Whistleblower regulation
This regulation is the implementation of the law of November 28, 2022 concerning the protection of reporters of violations of Union or national law established within a legal entity in the private sector. This document is the abbreviated explanation of the whistleblower regulation as applicable at the PVS Group. Not all details are included in this document. The full regulation can be found in the Whistleblower Policy available on the intranet under HR - Whistleblower. The reader in general and the whistleblower in particular is and remains responsible for fully informing themselves in advance. The abbreviated explanation can in no way be considered a shortcoming in the provision of information by PVS Group.
What is the whistleblower regulation about?
The whistleblower regulation makes it possible to raise abuses within the PVS Group that can be investigated further. If necessary, appropriate measures will be taken.
Does this regulation apply to me?
The regulation applies to anyone who identifies and wishes to report violations at the PVS Group in a work-related context. It concerns in particular:
- Employees of PVS NV and Sanders & Stassen NV;
- Self-employed persons, contractors and subcontractors and their personnel or appointees with whom PVS NV and/or Sanders & Stassen NV works;
- Shareholders and the persons belonging to the administrative, management or supervisory body of PVS NV and/or Sanders & Stassen NV (including members not involved in the daily management);
- Suppliers with whom PVS NV and/or Sanders & Stassen NV collaborates and their personnel;
- Any (un)paid trainees or volunteers;
- Any job applicants;
- Employees of PVS NV and/or Sanders & Stassen NV who have left employment.
What breaches can I report?
The regulation applies only to the violations stipulated by law. This concerns in particular:
- Infringements affecting the financial interests of the European Union, as well as infringements relating to the internal market;
- Infringements relating to: public procurement; financial services, products and markets, prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing; product safety and product compliance; transport safety; environmental protection; radiation protection and nuclear safety; food and feed safety, animal health and welfare; public health; consumer protection; protection of privacy and personal data, and security of network and information systems; combating tax fraud and social fraud.
How can I make a report?
A breach can be reported in writing and/or orally, even anonymously, through the PVS Group's internal reporting channel: PVS Group (sdwhistle.com)
- The external reporting channel: this is through the federal ombudsmen (www.federaalombudsman.be) or the competent authorities designated by law;
- Disclosure: making information about violations publicly available at the PVS Group.
I reported a breach through the internal channel, what happens to it?
The reporting administrator follows up on your report.
The reporting manager will acknowledge receipt of the report to you within 7 days and continue to follow it up impartially and diligently. The manager will contact you if additional information is needed and will keep you informed about the planned or taken follow-up measures and their reasons.
I have reported a breach, what are my rights?
- As a whistleblower, you can count on the necessary protection and support:
- Your identity remains strictly confidential: the reporting manager may not disclose your identity unless you expressly consent or because the law provides for it (e.g. in the context of a judicial investigation).
- Any form of retaliation is prohibited: you cannot be subjected to any action that is in retaliation for your report (e.g., dismissal, denial of a promotion, harassment, intimidation, etc.). This prohibition protects not only the whistleblower himself but also the individuals and organizations in the whistleblower's entourage.
- Whistleblowers can apply for support measures. For this, whistleblowers can turn to the Federal Institute for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights (FIRM - www.federaalinstituutmensenrechten.be).